Review mechanisms under Anti-Dumping Investigation

16/12/2022 01:55 - 39 Views

The various review mechanisms are as under:

Sunset Review (SSR):

Anti-Dumping duty imposed under the law shall be in force for a period of not more than five years (as notified) from the date of imposition, unless revoked earlier. Sunset review may either be initiated by DGTR on suo-moto basis or upon an application filed by the domestic industry of the article concerned at least 270 days before end of such period to examine as to whether there is a need to continue imposition of ADD for further period.

Mid Term Review (MTR):

After a reasonable period of time has elapsed since the imposition of anti-dumping duty (normally 12 months or more), the Authority can conduct an interim review, or full-fledged review to examine the need for the continued imposition of the ADD or change in the duty imposed. Such a review can be done suo-moto or on the basis of the information received from an interested party in view of the changed circumstances.

New Shipper Review (NSR):

There may be situation wherein an exporter/producer did not export the product concerned to India during the Period of Investigation of the previously concluded investigation, based on which the existing duty was notified. As a result, such exporter/producer could not be accorded a separate rate of duty. If such exporter thereafter wishes to claim a individual anti-dumping duty rate, he may do so by filing a new shipper review application. DGTR will thereafter review the need for determining margins of dumping for such exporter, provided that such exporter/producer has not exported the product during the period of investigation and is not related to any exporter or producers who are already subject to ADD on the product.

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